Thursday, November 5, 2009
Experiment 2 Final Submission
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Week 6 Task
Lecture from Stuart Bull Arups
In the lecture Stuart talked about the different applications that he has discovered and utilized during his years of working for Arups and introducing the different types of applications, from using 2D CAD programs to get the basics of plans and elevations then moving on to 3D programs where the buildings and structures can be visualized in a 3 dimension field, showing a sense of massing of the building or structure in question.
The applications that Stuart mentioned to using were, AutoCAD, Rhino, Solid works, and 3d Studio Max. By using these applications together, he is able to gain a better understanding of construction and identifying a problem before construction.
What Arups and Stuart doing is similar to what we are doing in BENV2423 is that, we are also been exposed to a range of different applications from using basic 3D modeling programs like sketch up where we can rapidly produce a 3D model with a not so great resolution, to using solid works having to be very precise with the model. And once the model is achieved we then move the model into 3d Studio Max to apply the textures so that the model comes to life or starts to look like a real world structure instead of a structure with white or gray walls, then the model with the applied texture is then imported into crysis where one can experience the structure itself.
In conclusion to me what we are learning in this course is really preparing us and exposing us to the latest technology in Architecture and Engineering, and how to utilize the strengths of different applications to assist us in achieving our goal at an extremely high resolution.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Week 2 Task

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
EXPERIMENT 2 Week 1 Tasks
- Photos
- Counting Tiles
- Laser Measure
- Trudle Wheel
- Strides (1m)
- Camcorder
- Sketches
Materials & Light
- Photos
- Notes
- Video
- Observations
- Sketches
- Recording Devices
- Observation
- Photos
- Sketches
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Final Submission for Experiment 1: Interpretation of Porosity
Porosity: Re-definition of Public space in the city.*
The series of explosions that I have put together is my interpretation of porosity, and my thoughts on how the explosions convey the notion of porosity, these three words came to mind.
- Control - Reaction - Interaction -
“Control” been communicated with the toilet blocks, with a controlled explosion where C4 chargers are placed into every second toilet block and see the effects the ones next to it. This relates to porosity is the way that porosity is the use’s of public space within private space, and referring back to Professor Goodwins lectures some of these public spaces within private space may only have a certain time where the public may have to access these private public spaces conveying the sense of control.
“Reaction” C4 charger is placed on the car at the bottom of the arrangement and observing the reactions with the other cars on the platform when the C4 is detonated. The way the key word reaction relates to porosity is, when someone travels from a public space in through a private space, to gain access to a public space there will be a reaction from the occupants (e.g. security) of the private space. Thus causing reaction.
“Interaction” the parked hummers under the house which sits on top, with chargers placed on all the hummers and observing the interaction of the explosions of the hummers to the house. My thoughts are private and public spaces with people walking through it this convey the notion of interaction.
* Russell Lowe
Note: Car Ramp needs to be re-imported in, for reasons unknown
Week 5 Peer Review
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The house on the left has 5 blocks of C4 and the house on the right has barrels packed to the brim and C4.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Week 4 Tutorial Task and Indepedent Study
My mode of presentation of the machinima documentary will be first off presenting the viewer with three key words:
- Control
- Reaction
- Interaction
And then have the viewers and watch the video and let them make up their mind whether after watching the video, do they get the sense that the explosions conveyed the three key words that have been presented to them in the video.
So in short I want the viewer to make up their own mind about what they take away from the video, and whether this presentation gives them or is a good interpretation of porosity.
Experimenting with different levels of explsoins
A stair shaped structure was created in sketchup so that the house have a platform to sit on, instead of having the houses floating up in mid air, giving the sense of structure.
The dominos effect is observed once again, however this one was a different one, the detonation started from the middle down to the right hand side then toward the left hand side.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Week 3 Tutorial Task and Indepedent Study
House, Doors and Roof. Were all made in sketchup to experiment if crysus would allow importing of elements from sketchup and usings its movement triggers to work with it. As you may observe the elements made in sketchup have worked perfectly.
The object was also modelled inside sketchup after importing it from sketchup into crysis, the object worked within the environment, however there was a glitch where if third person view was used the object would not be moving around with the player but stay where third person view was started. this was also observed when Russell was demonstrating it in the lecture.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Week 2 Tutorial Task and Indepedent Study
This First explosion captures the cars exploding, and the effect it has on the cars once the trigger is pulled, as you will see the car's explosions resembles some what of a domino effect.
The second explosion captures how the houses are blown up with C4 placed around the house's walls, on the first row the C4 is placed on the front of the house, second row C4 was place on the side and the back row the C4 was placed on the back of the house. As you will be able to observe the walls that the C4 was placed on has been effected as intended.
The third and final explosion, C4 was placed on every second house, seeing if the explosion would effect the houses that did not have C4 placed on it. As you can see some were effected on a devestating scale some just lost bits and places of its structure.
The detonation effects of the C4, the buildings and the cars seems to be flowing the laws of physics while its going through its stages of destruction and de-construction.
The house that has been placed into thin air and detonated the walls and roof followed its destruction process, however the floor plate of the house still hung in thin air. Possible physics within the game engine could not tell the difference.