Thursday, November 5, 2009

Experiment 2 Final Submission

Experiment 2 Movements

To communicate the notion of porosity with in the Sydney Subterranean Townhall station, I have implimented two main challengers that the player will face trying to navigate their way through my version of Townhall Station.

ONE: The moving ceiling of the concourse level, with this I am trying to convey that as the ceiling moves up and down, once the ceiling starts to move down it stops to player in their track with any sort of movement, even couching is stopped once the ceiling starts to come down, this is to convey the notion that porosity with Townhall station is that even though Townhall station is a public space but at certain hours during the day it will be shut and access is denied to the public.

TWO: The moving stairs to each of the platforms on each of the platform levels is to reflect on the trains that are working within Townhall station, with the train as been a connection of public spaces, the stairs gives the notion that with travelling from one public space to another there is always time that will be pasted as one goes from one place to another, thus the player must wait for the stairs to come to them to gain access to another public space.

Solidworks Files, 3dsMax Files, Level Map, Map Objects, Map Textures ALL IN ONE HERE

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