Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 2 Tutorial Task and Indepedent Study

This First explosion captures the cars exploding, and the effect it has on the cars once the trigger is pulled, as you will see the car's explosions resembles some what of a domino effect.

The second explosion captures how the houses are blown up with C4 placed around the house's walls, on the first row the C4 is placed on the front of the house, second row C4 was place on the side and the back row the C4 was placed on the back of the house. As you will be able to observe the walls that the C4 was placed on has been effected as intended.

The third and final explosion, C4 was placed on every second house, seeing if the explosion would effect the houses that did not have C4 placed on it. As you can see some were effected on a devestating scale some just lost bits and places of its structure.


50 WORD HYPOTHESIS more like 71 sorry..........

The detonation effects of the C4, the buildings and the cars seems to be flowing the laws of physics while its going through its stages of destruction and de-construction.

The house that has been placed into thin air and detonated the walls and roof followed its destruction process, however the floor plate of the house still hung in thin air. Possible physics within the game engine could not tell the difference.

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